By employing these advanced techniques, MTALCO provides detailed Inspections for surface, subsurface, and internal defects in base metals and welded joints.
Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT):
Using multiple transducers to create and receive sound waves, PAUT offers flexibility, accuracy, faster inspections, and reduced costs, making it valuable for inspecting complex structures in various industries.
Corrosion Mapping (Hydroform)
Electrical impedance spectroscopy used to measure corrosion rate, By applying a current and measuring voltage drops due to electrical resistance variations, .creating detailed maps for targeted prevention and asset lifespan extension.
Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD)
By measuring the travel time of ultrasonic waves from a transducer to a crack and back, OFD effectively detects and sizes surface-breaking cracks.This makes it valuable for inspecting critical components in oil & gas industries.
Pulsed Eddy Current Testing (PECT)
PECT, utilizing pulsed electrical currents, detects flaws in conductive materials with enhanced sensitivity, depth penetration,and noise reduction, making it a valuable inspection tool across industries.
Remote Visual Inspection
High-definition cameras & robotic systems used to safely assess hard-to-reach areas, ensuring detailed evaluations of pipelines, tanks, and critical infrastructure.
Eddy Current Testing (ECT)
electromagnetic induction used to detect defects in conductive materials by measuring changes in the eddy current field caused by defects, identifying cracks, pits, and inclusions.
Tank Floor Corrosion Mapping (MFL)
Magnetic flux leakage used to detect and map corrosion on tank floors,creating detailed maps for targeted prevention and ensuring tank structural integrity.
Tubular Inspection (RFT/IRIS/MFL)
Utilizing Rotating Flaw Detection (RFT), In-Line Inspection (IRIS), and Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL), Tubular Inspection assesses the internal condition of pipelines, safeguarding their integrity.